

outspoken                saying openly what one thinks; frank. 
short-tempered         easily or quickly moved to anger
middle aged             of or relating to middle age
good-humoured        cheerful, friendly. 
thin-skinned             sensitive to criticism.
fair-minded               just, not prejudiced
easygoing                calm, placid, careless
placid                      calm; not easily excited or irritated
outgoing                  sociable, fond of the company of others; friendly. 
soft-hearted              tender, compassionate.
self-assured             having confidence in oneself
well-behaved            habitually behaving well.
diligent                    1 hard-working. 2 showing care and effort.
old-fashioned           showing or favouring the tastes of former times.
short-sighted           1 having short sight. 2 lacking imagination or foresight.
left-handed              naturally using the left hand for writing etc.
world-famous           known throughout the world.
deceitful                  dishonest 
deceive                      1 make (a person) believe what is false; purposely mislead. 
                                 2 be unfaithful to, esp. sexually.
tactful                        possessing or exhibiting tact
tact                            acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with
                                 others, including the ability to speak or act without offending.
reserved                     inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself
direct                         frank
frank                          open and sincere in expression
candid                        free from prejudice
prejudice                    an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without 
                                  knowledge or examination of the facts
assertive                     aggressively self-assured.
fair                             just to all parties
shy                             easily startled; timid. drawing back from contact or familiarity with others 
confident                    marked by assurance, as of success. marked by confidence in oneself; 
sensitive                     easily influenced or affected to the feelings, or circumstances of others; 
                                 quick to take offense; touchy.

      “Never teach a child anything of which you are not yourself sure” (John Ruskin). 
      “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes” (Benjamin Franklin). 
        The senator is confident of reelection.